Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The Biggest Loser | Day 9

Yesterday was the big weigh-in at work and I'm proud to say that I lost 6 pounds last week! That's six pounds that I don't have to carry around anymore! Yay!

Is anyone watching Biggest Loser this season? It's awesome! I love that show. It's so inspiring. If you're watching, let me know who you're rooting for.


Mary Jo Pierce said...

I watched tonight ~ love that show. People so real and transparent ... Couldn't believe that Jerry was sent home but cheered at his progress!

Elaine said...


Steph said...

Congratulations! I am soo proud of you! Think of your weigh-in day as a blessing not something to dread! A day to celebrate your accomplishments!

I missed it...what day and time does it come one?


Anonymous said...

That's awesome. Way to go!


Anonymous said...

Yea!!!! So excited for you!!